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FAQ - Frequently Asked Question.

Who can participate?

“They can only be students of secondary school. If they have already graduated before the competition, the organizer must be informed about the date of their graduation.”


  1. Participant students must have been born on the 1st July 1996 or later.
  2. The requisite of information about Secondary Education Grade is accomplished when Registration Form is completed.
  3. Participant students can not have begun their University Studies on 13 Sept 2015, when they arrive to Poços de Caldas.

Do I need a visa to enter Brazil?

The Ministry of External Relations Immigration Division do have a page devoted to foreing visitors:

If necessary apply for a tourist visa by filling out the Visa Application Form - available in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English - and look for the nearest Brazilian consulate. 

 List of countries whose citizens need or not a visa:


What kind of documents should we send after registation?

Once you pay the registration fee, the Mentor representing the team must send to the e-mail Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.:

a) Deposit receipt of the country registration fee and of the observers and guest student with the country information (e.g. IESO2015 Brazilian Team, or IESO 2015 José da Silva Brazilian Observer.) or inform the payment was made via Paypal.

b)Scanned first page of passaport of the team member. Every Scanned should be an independent file named mentor-country-name-surname.jpg, student-country-name-surname.jpg, gueststudent-country-name-surname.jpg, or observer-country-name-surname.jpg.

 What Bank information do I need to transfer the participation fees?

  • The beneficiary of the transfer is: Fundação de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento e Ensino de Machado (FADEMA)
  • The postal adress of FADEMA is:


Machado Paraguaçu Km 02, none

Machado MG. Brazil. 37750-000

  • The name of the Bank (Beneficiary Financial Institution): Banco do Brasil S/A
  • The address of the Bank (Financial Institution): Banco do Brasil S/AAntônio Carlos Square n. 03Machado-MG. Brazil. 37750-000
  • The SWIFT Code that identifies the Bank is:
  • The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is: BR7400000000003990000290483C1 IMPORTANT: in the space for information write: IESO 2015, country name, observers/guest namesIn that way it's more easy relate the payment with who made it: (example) IESO 2015 Brazilian team; or IESO 2015 José da Silva (example) Brazilian Observer

Information about the trip:

9th IESO will be in Poços de Caldas city that has 150 thousands inhabitants and is localized in the south of the state of Minas Gerais. The event will be to 13th from 20th of September.

- To arrive in Poços de Caldas, the groups will have to take a bus from the airports to the city. We are going to give two options: the first one is GRU Airport (in São Paulo) and the second one is VCP Airport (in Campinas). We will be waiting for you on September 13th, in one of these airports at 12 p.m. (BRT) and take you up to Poços de Caldas.

GRU Airport website:

VCP Airport website:

- We suggest that you must buy flights to arrive in Brazil after 9 a.m. (BRT). Then you can take the bus to Poços de Caldas.

- The distance between GRU Airport until Poços de Caldas is 275 km (4 hours by bus).

- The distance between VCP Airport until Poços de Caldas is 189 km (3 hours by bus).

- For the return, on 20th September, the organization will take the participants up to the airport.

We suggest you book the flight back home after 7 p.m. (BRT), given that the buses leave Poços de Caldas at 1 p.m. (BRT), shortly after lunch.

The organization will not offer airport transfers on other days, only on the dates previously reported.

On September 13th, there will be a stop for lunch during the transfer from airport to Poços de Caldas. The lunch expenses is up to each participant, so we suggest that you have local currency (Real) for payment. Moreover, we recommend that currency exchange be done at the airport.

Accommodation information:

The participants will be accommodated in the Hotel with check-in on 13th September from 2 p.m. and check-out on 20th September until 2 p.m. It is included in the registration fee: accommodation and meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) from 13th to 20th September.

Other expenses are responsibility of each participant (e.g. daily at the hotel for days before or after IESO, telephone calls, laundry, bar and restaurant and other services offered by the hotel).


  • We request that the mentors bring their private notebook for discussion and translation of the tests.
  • We request that at least one student of each team bring a notebook for formulation of the Earth Science Project and the presentation of the International Team Field Investigation.
  • The so called lower developed countries with financial difficulties for payment of the registration fee shall inquire the Organizing Committee in order to verify the discount possibility for the registration fee. We suggest sending a letter to the following email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo., explaining and requiring the discount. 
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